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Journal of The Korean Physical Society(JKPS) - 연24회

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Journal of The Korean Physical Society(JKPS)

-회수: 월 2회
-언어: 영어
-분야: 순수물리학 전반
-SCI에 등재된 국제학술지 - 인용지수 0.6 (2022년)
-학술진흥재단 등재학술지
-ISSN: 0374-4884

The Journal of the Korean Physical Society (JKPS) is an international journal, published semi-monthly by the Korean Physical Society (KPS). Its aim is to dig out and circulate new and original research results in all fields of fundamental, applied, and interdisciplinary physics in a variety of different article types, , including Research Articles, Letters, Review Articles, and Comments & Replies. Together with Regular Issues, JKPS publishes Proceedings of international conferences occasionally through the peer-review process.

The standard of the peer-review for proceedings is the same as for regular issues. Besides them, JKPS publishes Topical Reviews, which provide a comprehensive and extensive summary of recent research results in physics and are of current interest to a broader audience. A topical review should aim to summarize the pertinent experimental, theoretical, and computational results. Topical Reviews may be published by invitation or by collaboration with KPS Divisions. All Topical Reviews are subject to peer-review.

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