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코리아헤럴드 KOREA HERALD (조간신문: 월~금)

() 해외배송 가능

1년 정기 구독
코리아헤럴드 KOREA HERALD (조간신문: 월~금) 기본 정보
판매가 재입고 알림 SMS
정 가 240,000원
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제휴 적립금 네이버 마일리지 적립  
발행사/형태 코리아헤럴드
발행국/언어 국내
잡지코드 P0000DVC


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바로 구매하기 장바구니 담기 관심상품 등록

  • The Herald Business  

    The Herald Business is driving for contents and system optimized for the mobile era. Since 2005, the publication has posted profits every year but The Herald Business continues to take on new challenges. A range of specialized news such as Superich, Real Foods and HOOC have been launched as part of The Herald Business’s ‘mobile only’ campaign. The future of The Herald Business as a mobile content producer has begun.
  • The Korea Herald  

    The Korea Herald is the nation’s largest English-language daily with more than 50 percent market share. As the country’s sole member of the Asia News Network, The Korea Herald is the face of Korean media. Building on its contents distribution network that spans more than 80 countries, The Korea Herald is now looking to become the voice that heralds Korean economy across the globe. The Korea Herald also continues its efforts to grow as a mobile contents producer through new services such as The Investor and Kpop Herald.
  • Herald Design  

    With its motto “Design changes the world,” Herald Design has been inviting global leaders in design industry to hold Korea’s largest design forum since 2011. Herald Design website strives to become a specialized design portal for the creative minds.
  • Herald Artday  

    Herald Design is an icon of Korea’s arts and culture market. The company specializes in arts auctions, exhibitions, convention and exhibition planning.
  • Herald Edu  

    Herald Edu seeks to establish itself as an education brand befitting to the digital age, through English Villages’ experience-based education and online/mobile education programs.
  • Herald Academy  

    Herald Academy offers classes and textbooks including Junior Herald, Herald School, Herald NIE, Herald System, HPE, Herald after-school English classes (public education) that focus on English news in education (ENIE).
  • Digital Herald  

    Digital Herald is an affiliate of Herald that offers English education, translation and interpretation services. The company also offers specialized services including English for MBA courses and global localization expert courses.
  • Busan Global Village  

    Busan Global Village is an English education facility that offers users a chance to experience the education in various English-speaking countries.


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